Dear Friends,

After a decade of service to our community, I have decided to tender my resignation as the State Representative for PA House District 195 effective July 15, 2024. I did not make this decision lightly — it was important to me to see the most recent budget session through to its conclusion in order to ensure that our community was properly represented during that vital process.

Now that that work is finished, I am excited to turn my full attention to my new leadership role at Project HOME so we may continue the work Sister Mary Scullion and Joan McConnon have done — advocating for our most vulnerable neighbors experiencing homelessness. I’m thrilled at the opportunity to embark on this new chapter in my career and am looking forward to delivering the same hard work and passion to this position that I did during my years of service as your representative in the General Assembly. Over the past 10 years, it has been my honor to advocate for our community and work towards the advancement of our district. I am incredibly grateful for the support and trust that you have placed in me; it has been a sincere privilege.

I am forever honored and humbled by the support of voters, donors and friends, and hope to be able to lean into that continued support to advance Project HOME’s mission- None of us are home until all of us are home.

Donna Bullock